Saturday, January 24, 2015

Plastic Water Bottles: Why I Made The Switch.

Hey guys! Ahhhhh I haven't posted since New Year's Day! I have been absent because I am currently relocating and have been busy prepping for that but I'll talk about that later. Today, I'm going to tell you why I stopped drinking from plastic bottles. 

I am slowly but surely taking little steps to improve my lifestyle choices. I used to buy tons and tons and TONS of water bottles and I would convince myself that it was okay because I was refilling them with water from the filter in our kitchen faucet, but I was still buying more bottles and would overtime have to keep throwing the older ones away. They would eventually get a weird smell to them if I left them empty for extended periods of time. So, I'd continue to reassure myself that throwing them away was okay because the building guys would have to sort through the garbage and recycle, right? Because I put them in their own recyclable bags but I began to ask myself: Am I really making a difference? Is it really safe for me to drink repeatably from plastic bottles??

I took to google and did my research. As we all know, plastic in general is bad for the environment which is why it's so important to recycle. Instead of being recycled, about 90% of the bottled that consumers buy end up in oceans and lakes and landfills where they'll never decompose. That's harmful to our world and the animals that inhabit it. Not to mention the amount of energy wasted on it and the harmful toxins being released into the air globally. Bottled water wastes fossil fuels for transport and production and it's so expensive! Compared to tap water, bottled water costs about 1,000 times more!

Just because it's bottled, doesn't mean it's actually better for you. To pass federal safety regulations, the U.S. is required to test tap water more intensely and thoroughly than bottled water. Did you know that reusing your old bottles can actually be bad for you too? Many plastic bottles contain BPA which you definitely want to stay clear of but just because a bottle says "BPA-free" doesn't guarantee that it's harmless. A recent study tested bottles that, although they had the claim to be BPA-free, they released other toxic chemicals that's actually more dangerous than the regular bottles with BPA.

The best way to stay safe is to get yourself a glass or stainless steel bottle. They're eco-friendly and a great way to protect yourself as well. And as for water? Just get a filtration system attached to the faucet in the sink or a pitcher for the fridge because we all know that while the city water may be safe to drink, it still tastes nasty lol. I know that Brita and Pur are popular brands that makes affordable water filtration systems. I'm saving myself hundreds of dollars a year and protecting myself & the environment too.

I now own a few medium sized mason jars that I keep filled in the fridge at home and a small mason jar or a stainless steel bottle (whichever I'm feeling that day,) that I bring with me in my purse wherever I go and just refill it at home or on the go wherever I can. Now, I'll be honest with you guys. I occasionally make the exception because things happen. Sometimes I forget to grab my small jar and I'm in a position where I have to either get a bottle of water or dehydrate. Ummmmm mama don't play that! Lol I'm taking care of myself. But I at least look for a place to recycle it! It's little steps like this that can lead to a healthier life and a better world. What are little steps that you take to make the world a better place? We only have one world & one body. We have to take care of it. ♡

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Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 | Happy New Year!

Gone are the days of 2014. Goodbye to the ups and many downs. I am ecstatic about 2015. There are so many exciting and unknown things to come this year. I can't say what will happen but I can say what I want to happen. You guys know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the good ol' new year resolutions! As I continue to age gracefully, I have come to set more realistic resolutions every year. Here are my 10 new year resolutions for 2015:

1.) Eat more raw foods! I love pizza as much as the next gal but I need to incorporate unprocessed and raw foods into my daily diet more often. 

2.) Exersize regularly. Even if it's only 30 minutes at home or taking the stairs instead of the elevator, I'm keeping my body moving. 

3.) Set up a savings plan and STICK WITH IT. Even if I can only contribute $10 one week, I'm $10 more invested than I was before. 

4.) Be more open to social gatherings. I've come to be an introverted person. There's nothing wrong with that but I want to meet more interesting people and exciting experiences. That's not gonna happen from the confines of my room. 

5.) Cut ties with people who are no longer beneficial to me. No more half-assed friendships. The only people who need to be included in my life are the ones that make me happy and help me grow. 

6.) Pamper myself. Sometimes I work so hard, I forget to focus on my star player; me! At least once a week, I want to dedicate some time to myself. Light a candle, put on a face mask, paint my toe nails. Appreciate myself. 

7.) Learn some new vocabulary. Incorporate it into my daily speech. Knowledge is power.

8.) Read more! Not just the super cool sci-fi/fantasy books that I'm into. Classics, newspapers, biographies, whatever. Just read!  

9.) Travel. Explore the world! Know what's out there. 

10.) Practice new makeup techniques. You can never know too much. Special effects makeup is one of my favorite makeup styles. I want to invest deeper in my SFX kit and practice more often. Practice makes perfect. 

So often in the past, I'd set unrealistic time frames for these goals, (i.e. lose 30lbs in a month, save $1,000 in 3 months, etc.) and those goals wouldn't be met and I'd lose motivation and lose sight of my goals and forget about it. My advice to you guys is to set realistic goals! Or don't set any goals at all! That's perfectly ok too! The most important thing is to just live your life the way you want to. Either way, I hope your year is fantastic! Best wishes from me to you!

Happy New Year!
Melly xoxo
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