We've had an issue at home with the gas in our stove so I haven't been able to cook much at home, leading to me having to buy food on the go. Not only is that harsh on my pant buckle, but it's also harsh on my wallet! It's been like this for weeks now! This week, it's finally getting fixed. *HAPPY DANCE* I can finally go back to cooking at home, which not only means that I'll be saving a buck or two, but I can also monitor what goes into my food and have the freshest of ingredients possible.
Last month, I decided to download an app that a co-worker told me about called "30 day Squat Challenge." I did it for....eh, MOST of the month... haha I'll admit it. I have moments where I get lazy.. but doing this challenge definitely gave some results! Although we all know it's highly unlikely, next to impossible, to lose weight in just one area, it's a great idea to add something like this to your daily regimen. I noticed more of a lift and definition to my cheekies and friends and co-workers have noticed! Feels good to have a more toned and lifted toosh, especially summer coming and the pool calling my name!
I've decided to start the challenge over and fully commit to all the challenges it has that day. I've also downloaded the "30 day Ab Challenge" app to ensure that I always get a liddo ab action too. I have a belly but for some reason, I always tend to neglect my tummy during workouts so I definitely can't forget this time. The apps are incredibly easy to use and I'm pretty sure the best thing about them is that they're FREE! Woo!
The apps look like the image up above. I found them in the Apple store on my iPhone but I'm sure you can find, if not the same thing, then something extremely similar in the Android Play store and Windows app store.
Every day, you go into the app to do your daily challenge of workouts. As you progress, the amount of reps for whatever you have to do that day will increase and decrease so that you don't plateau and don't worry, you get rest days too because your muscles need time to rest and recover. I'm going to add these app workouts into my weekly workout regimen.
I have to admit, after seeing the improvement after the first 30 days, I'm excited to see my results at the end of these next 30 days! Hopefully this time, I can remember to take pictures! haha. Would you try any challenges like these? Or have you already?? I'd love to know!
Love & Rockets,